iPACT and the Centre for Port Cities and Maritime Cultures
Join academics from iPACT and the Centre for Port Cities and Maritime Cultures at Portsmouth Historic…

Southampton Port City Forum
Prof William Powrie, Prof AbuBakr Bahaj, Dr Toby Roberts & Jenny Knight The Port City Forum…

The role of Biological-Physical Interactions in Managing Coastal Dynamics
Primary Investigator – Prof Martin Solan, University of Southampton Co-Investigators: Maria Diakoumi, Vanessa Marr University of…

MICP for repair and protection of coastal assets
MICP for repair and protection of coastal assets Primary Investigator: Dr Gráinne El Mountassir, University of…

Connecting Coastal Concerns: Engaging the local communities in long-term coastal challenges
Connecting Coastal Concerns: Engaging the local communities in long-term coastal challenges Primary Investigator – Prof Paurav…

Coastal Nature Lab
Coastal Nature Lab Using Locally Sourced Materials for the Creation of Community-Involved Coastal Protection Primary Investigator…

Pipeline or Hub? Harnessing critical energy infrastructure on the North Norfolk Coast
Pipeline or Hub? Harnessing critical energy infrastructure on the North Norfolk Coast Primary Investigator – Dr…

Coastal Connections: Systems and Synergy
Coastal Connections: systems and synergy Primary Investigator: Dr Dawn-Marie Walker, University of Southampton Co-Investigators: Dr Jenny…