Pilot Projects
The aim of the funding sandpits was to develop collaborative, infrastructure-related Line of Sight Studies or Pilot projects to explore and assess potential solutions aligned with community needs. We have funding for 5-10 of these Pilot Study feasibility projects at £50-100k each.
Research questions will be based around themes of
- Connectivity with the coast
- Inclusive infrastructure
- Maintaining and enhancing resilience
- Coastal region transport
- Nature-inspired, human scale engineering
These themes were explored with project partners Southampton City Council, Lancaster City Council, Eden North and Coastal Partnership East (North Norfolk, Waveney and Suffolk Coastal District and Great Yarmouth Borough Councils). Southampton, North Norfolk and Morecambe encapsulate the issues faced by port cities and coastal towns, including the current and future challenges of a working port, declining seaside resorts and historic communities with an ageing population facing coastal erosion and sea-level rise.

Six pilot projects have been successful in gaining funding from iPACT.
- Pipeline or Hub? Harnessing critical energy infrastructure on the North Norfolk Coast Newcastle University, Primary Investigator – Stuart Dawley
- Connecting Coastal Concerns: Engaging the local communities in long-term coastal challenges University of Southampton, Primary Investigator – Paurav Shukla
- The role of biological-physical interactions in managing coastal dynamics University of Southampton NOCs, Primary Investigator – Martin Solan
- MICP for repair and protection of coastal assets University of Strathclyde, Primary Investigator – Grainne El Mountassir
- Coastal Nature Lab Lancaster University, Primary Investigator – Serena Pollastri
- Coastal Connections: systems and synergy University of Southampton, Primary Investigator – Dawn-Marie Walker