RECLAIM network webinar – Revitalising waterways & the LivGBGI project

RECLAIM network webinar – Revitalising waterways & the LivGBGI project
Shelly Dewhurst Green Infrastructure Programme Manager from Bath & North East Somerset Council introducing us to WaterSpace Connected.
WaterSpace Connected is a large-scale green and blue infrastructure project following the River Avon corridor from Bath to Bristol, which emerged through the WaterSpace Study.
The project aims to create a healthy river valley that is rich in wildlife, and an improved recreational route between Bath and Bristol, where people can access and experience nature first-hand. WaterSpace Connected | Bath and North East Somerset Council (
Sisay Debele Research Fellow from Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE) explaining the LivGBGI project: Living Lab demonstration of Green-Blue-Grey Infrastructure’s multiple co-benefits. LivGBGI project’s ambition is to test, demonstrate, monitor and evaluate multiple benefits and effectiveness of GBGI against hydro-meteorological hazards (heatwaves, droughts, and floods), and environmental (noise) hazards using the novel approach of a living lab called “Guildford Living Lab (GLL)”.
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