Thirty network members and local stakeholders gathered in West Runton, North Norfolk on the 10th June for two and a half days together. The aim of this event was to hear from the six pilot projects as they reach the end of the research period and discuss how these projects could be used to develop future funding bids and inform new projects.

North Norfolk district councillor Harry Blathwayt and Prof Robert Nicholls lead a walk to the beach and cliffs and West Runton in the morning of 11th June. High tide and windy conditions lead to a wild and wet walk and discussion about local issues facing the coastline and ageing sea defences. We saw and felt the effects of the local defences in action, as a particularly large wave splashed number of us. Walking along the beach and cliff tops we saw recent landslips. Harry discussed the local plans for defences and the effects these might have on other parts of the coastline.

Cllr Harry Blathwayt & Prof Robert Nicholls

After lunch there were presentations from each of the pilot projects, when we heard about the research and collaborative group work conducted and results from experiments and models. Each of the projects had made great progress since the last connect day. Results will be written up as papers for publication.

Vanessa Marr and Paurav Shukla presenting.

The second day involved recorded and live presentations from “Bacton: pipeline of hub project” supported by Steve Blatch the Chief Executive of North Norfolk District Council, Sophie Day with the CoastWise project, Leon Cruikshank with Eden North and Marie Harder with We Value. We are keen to continue working with these partners sharing knowledge and supporting developing projects. These presentations were followed by round table discussions about how to develop these pilots into future funding bids. The teams were keen to work together on areas of interest such as health and Wellbeiling in coastal communities, nature inspired solutions and transport modelling. Communicating results of the research projects to coastal planners and councils was deemed important along with working with Coastal Partnerships around the UK. Mentoring activation for early career researchers and local action groups could be facilitated online and in person as.

Leon Cruikshank – Eden North project
Steve Blatch Chief Executive NNDC
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