On the 27th November we hosted the first iPACT Connect Day at the Insight Institute, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. The six pilot projects were presented to an audience of 25 academics, early career researchers and staff. These talks covered the broad range of projects based in the case study areas of Morecambe, North Norfolk and Southampton. During the afternoon session we discussed future plans for the projects, preparation for scaling up or co-operation to create future funding bids.
The next Connect Day will be held in North Norfolk in the spring 2024, to present the project outcomes to the local councils and community groups.

MICP for repair – Dr Grainne El Mountassir
The overarching aim of this project is to assess the potential for MICP to be deployed in coastal environments. To quantify the impact of high-energy wave action on the erosion behaviour of sands treated via MICP using S. pasteurii (bioaugmentation). Via engagement with project partners, identify coastal sites for potential deployment of MICP technology in a follow-on full-scale demonstration project and funding opportunities.
Connecting Coastal Concerns – Prof Paurav Shukla
What does it mean to be part of a coastal community and how is the coast meaningful to them? Residents had a strong sense of home and ideal location and invested emotionally in coast concerns. The researchers built relationships with the local residents through conversation during a walk along the beach or through the holiday park.
Coastal Nature Lab – Dr Serena Pollastri
Using Locally Sourced Materials for the Creation of Community-Involved Coastal Protection. This project seeks to: Focus on using either local or locally relevant natural materials to develop interventions. Explore concrete ways for communities to actively engage with the design and making of interventions.
Pipeline or Hub? – Dr Stuart Dawley
Harnessing critical energy infrastructure on the North Norfolk Coast with Bacton as a critical case study to consider continuity or change of use for carbon capture or hydrogen production. Understanding infrastructure adaptation and development, analysing the enabling and constraining conditions, actors and policy contexts that will mediate the scale and scope of Bacton’s development. Exploring the opportunities and challenges for North Norfolk.
Biological-physical interactions for managing Coastal Dynamics – Dr Grainne El Mountassir
To explore coupled bio-physical processes relevant for potential nature-based interventions in coastal sediment systems. Test the influence of individual and combined biological interventions on erosion behaviour to support the design and selection of nature-based solutions for coastal erosion and resilience. Co-develop an engagement strategy with project partners and Public Policy @Southampton.
Coastal Connections: systems and synergy – Dr Dawn-Marie Walker
To develop an innovative model which removes physical and societal barriers in enjoying green and blue spaces to ensure that all people are independent and equal in society to support decision-making. To explore network design and route planning alternatives that make active transportation attractive to users. Ensure that the voices of our marginalised residents are heard throughout the project.