Infrastructure for Port Cities and Coastal Towns
Join the iPACT NetworkResilience – Sustainability – Wellbeing

Join our new community of researchers.
Real, long-lasting, resilient and sustainable infrastructure-led transformations in port cities and coastal towns.
iPACT is a new, vibrant, multi-disciplinary community of researchers and research users developing affordable, sustainable, evidence-based, people-centric infrastructure systems solutions for improving social well-being and prosperity to level up coastal communities through resilient, net zero regeneration.
“We have £500,000 available for Pilot Study projects, which will be developed by iPACT members in a series of sandpits in early 2023.” Prof William Powrie, University of Southampton
The infrastructure for Port cities And Coastal Towns network – iPACT – aims to identify people-focused, infrastructure-based solutions to the complex problem of improving social well-being and prosperity in coastal communities through resilient and sustainable regeneration. A key emphasis will be on taking advantage of the coastal location.
Long-lasting, resilient and sustainable transformations in port and coastal cities and towns creating a vibrant, multi-disciplinary research community developing affordable, sustainable, evidence-based, people-centric infrastructure systems solutions improving social well-being and prosperity to level up coastal communities through resilient, Net Zero regeneration.

Join the iPACT Network
Membership of the iPACT network is open to all researchers and potential users and beneficiaries of the research: from educational establishments, industry and business, local authorities and citizen / residents’ groups. We particularly welcome early career researchers, academics from a wide range of disciplines, and representatives of business/industry, local authorities and the community. Membership of the network will allow you to access our events, support network and apply for pilot project funding.
Please complete this form to join the iPACT network mailing list
You can also email us ipact@soton.ac.uk
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Funded by UKRI Network Plus grant EP/W033933/1